ANS 2019

A PDF of the program is available for download here.


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Room: Union Square

3:00-6:00pm Executive Committee Meeting 


Friday, January 4, 2019

Room: Union Square

Conference Opening Address

8:15-8:30 Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University), Welcome and Opening Remarks

8:30-10:00 Names in Literature Part I

CHAIR: Susan Behrens (Marymount Manhattan College)

8:30-9:00 Susan Behrens (Marymount Manhattan College): Literary Onomastics: an introduction

9:30-10:00 Stephen da Silva (Independent Scholar): ‘What a strange name for a dog’: Hugh Walpole’s appropriation and revision of Hamlet

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-11:45 Names in Literature Part II

CHAIR: Susan Behrens (Marymount Manhattan College)

10:15-10:45 James Butler (Lancaster University): The intent, content, and context narratives of literary namescapes: mapping textual chronotopes of spatial inference

10:45-11:15 Grant Smith (Eastern Washington University): Naming as art in Shakespeare’s Tempest

11:15-11:45 Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University): Naming the creature in Frankenstein in Baghdad.

12:00-1:00 Names of the Year Selection (Union Square)

CHAIR: Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University)

1:00-2:00 Lunch Break

2:00-3:00 Keynote Speech I:From Ulalume to Hiawatha: the aesthetics of naming in Poe and Longfellow

CHAIR: Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)

Dr. Andrew C. Higgins (SUNY New Platz)

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-4:45 Names and Tourism

CHAIR: Luisa Caiazzo (University of Basilicata)

3:15-3:45 Luisa Caiazzo (University of Basilicata): Tourist sites identity: nicknamed and unnamable places.

3:45-4:15 Lindsey Chen (National Taiwan Normal University): Marketing hospitality: an analysis of English names of Taipei hotels

Room: Sutton Place

8:30-10:00 Symbolic Naming Strategies

CHAIR: Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)

8:30-9:00 Nicholas Waters (Independent Scholar): Wakarimasen: It’s English— but not as we know it

9:00-9:30 Rebecca Lurie Starr (National University of Singapore), Stephanie S. Shih (University of Southern California), Alan C. L. Yu (University of Chicago): Sound symbolic effects in Mandarin and Cantonese Pokémon names

10:00-10:15 Break

10:45-11:15 Cross-Cultural Toponymy

10:45-11:15 Ivan Roksandic (University of Winnipeg, Canada) Indigenous Toponomastics in the Western Caribbean

11:15-11:45 Rizwan Ahmad (Qatar University) Renaming during the Hindu nationalist rule: Marginalization of Dalits and minorities

3:15-4:45 Systems of Onomastic Inquiry

CHAIR: Lisa Spira (Ethnic Technologies)

3:15-3:45 Lisa Spira (Ethnic Technologies): Access India: parsing Indian names by culture

3:45-4:15 Karen Pennesi (University of Western Ontario), Nadja Schlote (Yorkville University): Newsworthy: names as discursive figures in online discourse

4:15-4:45 Brian D. Joseph, Christopher G. Brown, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Micha Elsner, Alexander H. Erdmann, Petra Ajaka, Matias D. Grioni, Andrew Kessler, Hannah Young, James C. Wolfe, Colleen Kron, William Little, Benjamin Allen (The Ohio State University): What’s in a name? Issues in Named Entity Recognition

4:45-5:00 Break

5:00-6:00 Words of the Year Vote with the American Dialect Society


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Room: Union Square

8:00-9:30 Names, Naming, Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Part I

CHAIR: Laurel Sutton (Catchword Branding)

8:00-8:30 Sharon N. Obasi, Richard Mocarski, Natalie Holt, Debra A. Hope, Nathan Woodruff (University of Nebraska-Kearney): I call myself: assessing gender identity and renaming strategies among Transgender or Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) Adults

8:30-9:00 Brian W. King (University of Hong Kong) Medicalized naming practices and the pathologization of intersex bodies

9:00-9:30 Al Crowley (University of South Carolina): Trans enough? Nonbinary YouTubers and the transgender label.

9:30-9:45 Break

9:45-11:15 Names, Naming, Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Part II

CHAIR: Laurel Sutton (Catchword Branding)

10:15-10:45 Carly Dickerson (The Ohio State University): Naming Albania’s Sworn Virgins.

10:45-11:15 Chloe Brotherton (UC Davis): The construction of asexual and non-binary identities on Tumblr through naming practices.

11:15-11:30 Break

12:45 -1:45 Onomastic Curiosities

CHAIR: Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)

12:00-12:30 Catherine Davies (The University of Alabama): Epithetic nicknames as insults directed at Trump by online citizen-satirists

12:30-1:00 Joseph Pentangelo (CUNY): Grizzel Greedigut: a name “no mortall could invent”

1:00-2:00 Lunch Break

2:00-3:00 Keynote Speech II:Inconvenient Truths in Brand Naming

CHAIR: Laurel Sutton (Catchword Branding)

Aaron Hall (Siegel+Gale)

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-4:45 Toponymy and Cultural Identity

CHAIR: Luisa Caiazzo (University of Basilicata)

3:45-4:15 Olena Fomenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine): Ukraine or the Ukraine? The power of naming and national identity

4:45-5:00 Break

5:00-6:00 ANS Annual Business Meeting and Awards Presentation

Room: Sutton Place

8:00-9:30 Naming Trends

CHAIR: Yi-An Chen (Indiana University Bloomington)

8:00-8:30 Andoveloniaina Rasolofo (Purchase College): A linguistic perspective on Malagasy proper names and identity

8:30-9:00 Jong-Mi Kim (Kangwon National University): Phonological trends of naming simplification and globalization

9:30-9:45 Break

9:45-11:15 Naming as Marketing

CHAIR: Amy Franz (Ethnic Technology)

9:45-10:15 Alessia Cherici (Indiana University), Natsuko Tsujimura (Indiana University): Genderization, beautification, or dudeification? Different approaches to beer naming

10:15-10:45 Lisa Abney (Northwestern State University): Naming practices in alcohol and drug recovery centers, adult daycares, and private hospitals

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-1:00 Names, Gender, and Culture

CHAIR: Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University)

11:30-12:00 Cleveland Evans (Bellevue University): Empire State Babies: the top 100 given names in New York, 1960-2017

12:00-12:30 Yi-An Chen (Indiana University Bloomington): Social expectations, gender roles, and gendered names in Taiwan

12:30-1:00 Masahiko Mutsukawa (Nanzan University, Japan): Japanese disyllabic and bimoraic given names

3:15-4:45 Names in the Work Place

CHAIR: Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)

3:15-3:45 Enkhjargal Purev (National University of Mongolia), Purevsuren Bazarjav (National University of Mongolia): Color words as geographic names in the Mongolian language

3:45-4:15 Wenchuan Huang (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan): Renaming the past in Postcolonial Taiwan: Translation of streetscapes in the cities of Taiwan

7:00-9:30 ANS Conference Dinner

Carragher’s Pub and Restaurant

228 West 39th Street, New York, NY


Sunday, January 6, 2019

Room: Union Square

8:00-9:00 ANS Executive Council Meeting