Call for Panel Proposals: 2018 ANS Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, January 4-7 2018

Building on the great success of such events as our 2016 organized session on “Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, and Horror” and the 2017 panel entitled “Onomastics Beyond Academia”, the ANS-EC is inviting proposals for new panels to be held during the 2018 annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.

All ANS members are encouraged to submit proposals for a panel of papers on a specialized theme. The panel themes may address any area of onomastic research, theory, and/or application. Panels may contain between three to six original papers addressing a single theme. However, particular preference will be given to themes which address issues that have joint appeal to both names specialists and enthusiasts alike.

All proposals must include the following information:

  • The title of the panel
  • A summary abstract (max 500 words, not including references) describing the subject matter and the potential contribution of the proposed panel
  • The full name, affiliation, email address, and a professional biographical sketch (max. 50 words per person) for the Panel Coordinator, Panel Moderator, and Panel Presenters
  • The title and abstract (max. 200 words, not including references) for each paper to be presented in the panel

The official deadline for panel proposals is the 1st of June 2017. Please send panel proposals either as a PDF file or Word doc to ANS President, Dr. I. M. Nick (mavi.yaz AT For organizational purposes, be sure to include the codeword “ANS2018 PANEL” in the subject line of the email.

Panel Coordinators will be notified about possible acceptance on or about the 1st of July 2017. Panels that have been accepted for presentation will be required to submit a finalized description of their event for inclusion in the ANS and LSA Handbook in early October 2017.