About Names: Porn Star Names

15825300263_af1174f279_mRaking in ca 14 billion dollars per year, the US porn industry is very big business. With all that cash around, it’s no wonder that the industry continues to attract would-be stars. To help these onscreen hopefuls, the internet is filled with specialized name generators.

Although some may scoff, as porn legend Annie Sprinkle revealed in an interview with Alternet, landing the perfect porn name is critical: “My name helped me to totally change who I was […] and become who I wanted to be.”

Despite these unusual psychological and economic demands, Stanford Linguistics Professor Arnold Zwicky contends that most porn names are actually quite regular. For example, his examination of over two thousand porn star names revealed that the most common first name for erotic actors was… Mark.

Tasmania’s Aboriginal heritage recognized with more dual place names announced

3874375170_ca63decda3_mIn an effort to pay homage to Tasmania’s rich Aboriginal heritage, the Nomenclature Board of Tasmania has progressively introduced a dual English/Indigenous naming system for landmarks of great cultural significance. As Will Hodgeman, New Zealand’s Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, explained in an interview with ABC news, “The names are applied in the reconstructed palawa kani language following extensive research by the Aboriginal community language revival program.” Three examples of dual toponyms are

  • Mount William/wukalina
  • Great Lake/yingina
  • Sundown Point/laraturunawn.