Call for Abstracts: International Gender and Language Association Conference 2025 (23-25 July 2025)

From Germán Canale:

View the full Call for Papers PDF located here:

Call for abstracts:

We invite abstracts for the following types of presentations:

Individual Paper Presentations

A paper presented by a sole author or by several co-authors (15 minutes + Q&A). Proposals should include:

  • The paper title
  • An abstract of the paper (max. 350 words) and three to five keywords
  • In case of a co-authored paper, only one of the authors must fill out the information required in the submission link.

Discussion Panels

A panel includes 3 to 4 papers (15 minutes + Q&A). The full panel will be submitted by only one person (the panel leader) in a sole document that must include:

  • A title and description (max. 400 words) of the panel
  • Five keywords for the full panel
  • Title of each individual abstract, each individual abstract (no more than 200 words).

The submission links (for individual papers and discussion panels) can be accessed here:

Abstracts for both individual presentations and discussion panels will be anonymously reviewed.

Important dates:

Proposal submissions – from May 20th to July 15th 2024
Notification of acceptance – October 2024
Registration period – starts in October 2024
Conference dates – July, 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2025.

For more information about IGALA Conference 2025, please check our official website: