Registration is Now Open: ANS Name of the Year Workshop (14 October 2023)

Name of the Year Workshop (14 October 2023)

Registration for the Name of the Year Workshop is now open. Please follow this link to register for the event:

Tickets to this workshop are free! 

The workshop will be held virtually (via Zoom) and it is scheduled for 9:00 am Pacific on 14 October 2023. This workshop event will focus on clarifying nomination and voting procedures for the ANS 2023 Name of the Year vote, held in January 2024. We’ve recently revised the Call for Name of the Year, and will provide it to participants before the workshop.

This workshop will be conducted by Laurel Sutton (ANS President), I.M. Nick (NAMES Editor-in-Chief), and Star Vanguri (ANS Secretary). The URL to our Zoom room will be sent to everyone who registers for this workshop.

Register for the event today!