Top Baby Names in France, 2022

On Tuesday the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques released data revealing the top baby names in France in the year 2022.

For Girls:

  1. Jade
  2. Louise
  3. Ambre
  4. Alba
  5. Emma
  6. Rose
  7. Alice
  8. Romy
  9. Anna
  10. Lina

For Boys:

  1. Gabriel
  2. Léo
  3. Raphaël
  4. Maël
  5. Louis
  6. Noah
  7. Jules
  8. Arthur
  9. Adam
  10. Luca

Noah, number 6 on France’s list, made the number 2 spot in the United States. Likewise, Lucas appears as #10 in France and #7 in the United States with the variant Luca as #10. France’s #5 Emma appears in the #3 spot in the United States.

Read more from the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques here [in French] or a brief video report from HugoDecrypte on YouTube. Also, check out Dr. Cleveland Evans’ piece on the top baby names in the United States for 2022.